59 research outputs found


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    Saat ini para ilmuwan melakukan banyak penelitian dalam rangka meningkatkan performa komputer.  Beberapa diantaranya mengkhususkan diri dalam mengembangkan parallelism baik pada Bit-Level Parallelism, Instruction-Level Parallelism maupun dengan konsep baru yang disebut Thread-Level Parallelism. Dengan dua sudut pandang yang berbeda, Instruction-Level Parallelism menghadapi kendala yang dalam eksploitasinya.  Ketika “perseteruan” antara arsitektur dengan multiprocessor dengan perancangan uniprocessor yang sangat cepat masih ada, Instruction-Level Parallelism dapat mengambil peran penting untuk mengoptimisasi keduanya

    Fault Tolerant Air Bubble Sensor using Triple Modular Redundancy Method

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    Detection of air bubbles in the blood is important for various medical treatments that use Extracorporeal Blood Circuits (ECBC), such as hemodialysis, hemofiltration and cardio-pulmonary bypass. Therefore a reliable air bubble detector is needed. This study presents the design of a new fault tolerant air bubble detector. Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) method is used on the sensor section. A voter circuit of the Triple Modular Redundancy will choose one of three sensor outputs to be processed further. Application of Triple Modular Redundancy will prevent errors in the detection of air bubbles, especially if the sensor fails to work

    Acquaintance Management Algorithm Based on the Multi-Class Risk-Cost Analysis for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Network

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    The collaborative intrusion detection network (CIDN) framework provides collaboration capability among intrusion detection systems (IDS). Collaboration selection is done by an acquaintance management algorithm. A recent study developed an effective acquaintance management algorithm by the use of binary risk analysis and greedy-selection-sort based methods. However, most algorithms do not pay attention to the possibility of wrong responses in multi-botnet attacks. The greedy-based acquaintance management algorithm also leads to a poor acquaintance selection processing time when there is a high number of IDS candidates. The growing number of advanced distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks make acquaintance management potentially end up with an unreliable CIDN acquaintance list, resulting in low decision accuracy. This paper proposes an acquaintance management algorithm based on multi-class risk-cost analysis and merge-sort selection methods. The algorithm implements merge risk-ordered selection to reduce computation complexity. The simulation result showed the reliability of CIDN in reducing the acquaintance selection processing time decreased and increasing the decision accuracy

    Information Interchange Layer based on Classification of Information Use (IU)

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    Information characteristics in classification of IU directly related to aspects of information usage by user in enterprise to accomplish their activities. Feature extraction from information usage in three layer of enterprise management used as parameter for this characteristic. Characteristics and dimension applied to develop middle-ware system (called Information Interchange Layer) that bridges a common issue ie information silo, to optimize a services of information resources in enterpris


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    AbstrakBeberapa tahun terakhir pembangunan infrastruktur sangat berkembang pesat di bidang jalan khusunya Jalan Toldi Jawa Timur. Wilayah Kabupaten Jombang adalah salah satu yang termasuk dalam pembangunan jalan tol yangmenghubungkan antara Mojokerto - Kertosono. Pembangunan Jalan Tol Mojokerto - Kertosono melewati enam desadari dua kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Tembelang dan Kecamatan Peterongan sehingga perlu dilakukan pembebasanlahan. Pembebasan lahan ini berdampak pada kondisi sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat setempat.Tujuan penelitian iniyaitu untuk mengetahui adannya perubahan terhadap kondisi sosial – ejonomi masyarakat di Kecamatan Tembelang danKecamatan Peterongan di Kabupaten Jombang sebelum dan sesudah adanya pembangunan jalan tol Mojokerto-Kertosono.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Tembelang danPeterongan yang terdiri dari enam desa yaitu Desa Tampingmojo, Desa Kedunglosari, Desa Mojokrapak, DesaPesantren, Desa Tengaran dan Desa Sumberagung. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ada 100 responden yang dibagi dalamenam desa di dua Kecamatan. Sumber data berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik analisis data yang digunakanadalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan prosentase.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan lahan yang dibebaskan untuk pembangunan jalan tol adalah lahan pertanian danpemukiman. Pembangunan Jalan Tol Mojokerto - Kertosono berdampak relatif buruk terhadap kondisi sosial danekonomi, terutama kondisi sosial. Untuk mata pencaharian tidak sepenuhnya berubah karena 48% masyarakat masihtetap menjadi petani dan beberapa beralih profesi mata pencaharian akibat terkena pembebasan lahan. Kondisi ekonomiada perubahan yaitu penurunan produktivitas hasil panen dikarenakan lahan pertanian terkena pembebasan lahan untukbangunan jalan tol yang mempengaruhi pendapatan dan pengeluaran tiap bulan masyarakat.Kata kunci : Pembangunan, Jalan Tol

    DT-MSOF Strategy and its Application to Reduce the Number of Operations in AHP

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    A computing strategy called Double Track"“Most Significant Operation First (DT-MSOF) is proposed. The goal of this strategy is to reduce computation time by reducing the number of operations that need to be executed, while maintaining a correct final result. Executions are conducted on a sequence of computing operations that have previously been sorted based on significance. Computation will only run until the result meets the needs of the user. In this study, the DT-MSOF strategy was used to modify the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) algorithm into MD-AHP in order to reduce the number of operations that need to be done. The conventional AHP uses a run-to-completion approach, in which decisions can only be obtained after all of the operations have been completed. On the other hand, the calculations in MD-AHP are carried out iteratively only until the conditions are reached where a decision can be made. The simulation results show that MD-AHP can reduce the number of operations that need to be done to obtain the same results (decisions) as obtained by conventional AHP. It was also found that the more uneven the distribution of priority values, the more the number of operations could be reduced. 

    Developing Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Fuzzy Logic Using Hardware Simulation

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    Ride comfort on the highway often interrupted because drivers need to adjust the vehicle speed. Safe distance between vehicles should be maintained is the main reason. The situation of monotonous and high speed will increase the risk of accidents on highway. A device is required by the driver to adjust the vehicle speed during the long distance (cruise) driving on highway without neglecting the safety aspects. The device is known as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). The ACC is a subsystem of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs) that serves to assist the driver during cruise driving. The working principle of the ACC is the vehicle speed set automatically so that the distance to the vehicle in front remains safe. This paper presents the development of fuzzy logic controller for ACC. The fuzzy inference method used in this study is Mamdani. The result from hardware simulation that using remote control car shows that the fuzzy logic controller can work according to the design.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i6.673


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    AbstrakPertumbuhan penduduk di Kota Surabaya yang tanpa diimbangi oleh perkembangan lahan menjadikan penduduk mendirikan rumah di pinggiran jalur rel kereta api dengan kondisi dimana hanya berjarak 2-5 meter dari rel kereta api maka akan terkena dampak suara bising dari kereta api. Data pra survei terdapat 34 kereta api melintas dalam setiap harinya di jalur tersebut dan menimbulkan tidak kenyamanan lingkungan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persebaran kebisingan dan bagaimana upaya masyarakat mengantisipasi kebisingan tersebut.Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Titik pengukuran yang diperhitungkan berjumlah 10 titik berlokasi di sepanjang permukiman pinggiran rel kereta dengan jarak 3 dan 9 meter disertai kondisi permukiman yang berbeda-beda. Pengukuran menggunakan alat Sound Level Meter. Teknik analisis data menggunakan rumus sesuai KEP- 48/MENLH/11/1996. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif.Hasil penelitian persebaran tingkat kebisingan di waktu siang hari pada jarak 3 meter antara 74.42-72.06 dB (A) sedangkan pada jarak 6 meter antara 71.1-65.15 dB(A). Waktu malam hari pada jarak 3 meter antara 70.69-68.23 dB(A) sedangkan pada jarak 6 meter antara 67.69-61.59 dB(A). Upaya yang dilakukan oleh mayoritas responden adalah berhenti sejenak saat kereta melintas.Kata Kunci : Persebaran, Tingkat Kebisingan, Upaya Masyaraka

    A Novel Part-of-Speech Set Developing Method for Statistical Machine Translation

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    Part of speech (PoS) is one of the features that can be used to improve the quality of statistical-based machine translation. Typically, the language PoS determined based grammar of the language or adopt from other languages PoS. This work aims to formulate a model to developing PoS as linguistic factors to improve the quality of machine translation automatically. The research method using word similarity approach, where we perform clustering of the words contained in a corpus. Further classes will be defined as PoS set obtained for a given language.We evaluated the results of the PoS that defined computational results using machine translation system MOSES as the system by comparing the results of the SMT are using PoS sets generated manually, while the assessment of the system using BLEU method. Language that will be used for evaluation is English as the source language and Indonesian as the target language

    Towards host-to-host meeting scheduling negotiation

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    This paper presents a different scheme of meeting scheduling negotiation among a large number of personnel in a heterogeneous community. This scheme, named Host-to-Host Negotiation, attempts to produce a stable schedule under uncertain personnel preferences. By collecting information from hosts’ inter organizational meeting, this study intends to guarantee personnel availability. As a consequence, personnel’s and meeting’s profile in this scheme are stored in a centralized manner. This study considers personnel preferences by adapting the Clarke Tax Mechanism, which is categorized as a non manipulated mechanism design. Finally, this paper introduces negotiation strategies based on the conflict handling mode. A host-to-host scheme can give notification if any conflict exist and lead to negotiation process with acceptable disclosed information. Nevertheless, a complete negotiation process will be more elaborated in the future works
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